Patient info

We understand that a lot is coming towards you if you have heard that you or a relative or friend has been diagnosed with an hematological disease. It might be that you like to receive more information on the disease or treatment options that there are. HOVON would like to support you in this search for information. We therefore have also included information on the treatment through participating in a trial in general and the treatment options HOVON has currently rolled out in the different participating sites.

General information on trials

Below you are able to find general information in participating in a trial, we provide you with explanation on what a trial encompasses, what are the benefits of participating in a trial and how a trial might differ from standard treatment. We also provide you with information that you might come across like the different phases a trial can be in and what information might be helpful to decide on if you wish to participate in a trial.

We also share information on how we shall protect your privacy if you decide to participate in a trial.

Lastly we also gathered some useful links that provide further explanation on diseases.


In the menu there is a section called Trials, where there can also be found a tab called patients. Here we supply you with information on the trials that are set up by HOVON. You can filter these trials to show for instance only the open trials with a certain disease type (e.g. MM). Using these filters the tiles below will only show you the trials that fulfill the filtered criteria.

Clicking on a tile will show you more information on that trial. You can read about the goal of the trial, the treatment that is given, certain criteria that are required to participate in that trial. If it is a randomized trial and which hospitals are participating in that trial.

If you have any questions on what you read, your treating physician is able to tell you everything about the trial or is able to refer you.


