Leukemia Associated studies


Open trials

Short name MB-dNPM1-TCR.1 in R/R AML

A phase I/II trial of MB-dNPM1-TCR.1 in HLA-A*02:01-positive patients with relapsed or refractory NPM1-mutated AML to determine safety and obtain first data on efficacy

Phase Phase I/II

dNPM1-TCR T cells (patient-derived T cells transduced with a T cell receptor recognizing peptides from mutated NPM1 in HLA-A02

Objectives MTD, Best Objective Responses (Phase II)
Population R/R or MRD positive Npm1 mutated AML, HLA-A02
Eligibility Pre end post alloTx
Status Open August 2024
Participants LUMC (Dr. C.J.M.Halkes)
Reference https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT06424340
Study Docs

Protocol Synopsis
In- and exclusion criteria

Short name TEG001 in patients with r/r AML/high-risk MDS or r/r MM
Title A phase I study to investigate the safety and tolerability of TEG001 cell suspension for infusion in patients with relapsed/refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)/high-risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) (IPSS-R > 4.5) or relapsed/refractory Multiple Myeloma (MM)
Phase Phase I
Therapy TEG001 cell suspension (T cells engineered to express a defined gamma/delta T cell receptor)
Objectives MTD, safety, tolerability, feasibility, efficacy, kinetics, persistence
Population Adults with relapsed/refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)/high-risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) (IPSS-R > 4.5) or relapsed/refractory Multiple Myeloma (MM)

No remaining therapeutic treatment options available.
- Additional eligibility criteria in protocol.

Status Open for dose level 3.
Participants UMC Utrecht (Dr. L.E. van der Wagen)
Study docs

Protocol synopsis
In- exclusion criteria 

Short name Molecular Partners MP0533
Phase Phase 1 (escalation/expansion)
Therapy MP0533 A multispecific CD3 x CD33 x CD123 x CD70 DARPin
Objectives MTD, Safety, RP2D
Population R/R AML and MDS-EB2
Eligibility pre- and post allo-Tx
Status open
Participants ErasmusMC (Jongen-Lavrencic), UMCG (Huls), AmsterdamUMC (de Leeuw)
Reference https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT05673057
Short name Sanofi TCD17197
Phase  Phase 1/2
Therapy SAR443579 is a bispecific NK cell and CD123-engager
Objectives MTD, Safety, RP2D
Population R/R AML, MDS IPSS-R interim/high, B-ALL (CD123 pos)
Eligibility pre- and post allo-Tx
Status open (slots)
Participants ErasmusMC (Jongen-Lavrencic), UMCG (Huls), AmsterdamUMC (de Leeuw), Radboudumc (Langemeijer) 
Reference https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT05086315
Short name Ellipses
Phase Phase I/IIA
Therapy dual FLT-3 and Aurora Kinase oral inibitor
Objectives MTD, Safety
Population R/R AML
Eligibility pre- and post allo-Tx
Status open
Participants ErasmusMC (Jongen-Lavencic), AmsterdamUMC (de Leeuw), UMCG (Huls)
Reference https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT04581512
Short name SGNS70-101 AML
Phase Phase I Study of SEA-CD70 in Myeloid Malignancies
Therapy SEA-CD70 + azacitidine combination cohort in previously untreated higher-risk MDS (Parts D and E)
Objectives Safety
Population R/R MDS R/R AML

Subjects with previously untreated cytologically/histologically confirmed MDS according to the 2016 WHO classification with the following
o   Measurable disease per WHO MDS with excess blasts (MDS-EB) criteria as defined either:
     §  5%–9% blasts in the bone marrow or 2%–4% blasts in the peripheral blood (MDS-EB-1), or
     §  10%–19% blasts in the bone marrow or 5%–19% blasts in the peripheral blood (MDS-EB-2)
o   Subjects with higher-risk (Intermediate-2 or High risk) MDS per the International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS).
o   Age ≥18 years.
o   ECOG Performance status of 0–2.

Status open 
Participants UMCU (v Rhenen)
Short name R/R B-ALL blina and PD1 remmer
Title A Phase 1b Open-label Study Investigating the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Efficacy of Administration of Blinatumomab in Combination With AMG 404 for the Treatment of Adults With Relapsed or Refractory B Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
Phase Phase 1b
Therapy Administration of Blinatumomab in Combination With AMG 404
Objectives Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy
Population Adults With Relapsed or Refractory B Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
Inclusion criteria Age ≥ 18 years at enrollment.
Subjects with B-precursor ALL, with any of the following:
● Refractory to primary induction or refractory to salvage therapy.
● In untreated first, second or greater relapse or refractory relapse or relapse after salvage therapy
● Relapse at any time after allogeneic HSCT
– Relapse is defined as achievement of CR (CR1) during upfront therapy then relapse during or after continuation therapy.
– Refractory disease is defined as the absence of CR after standard induction therapy.
– Refractory relapse lack of CR after first salvage therapy
– Second relapse or later relapse defined as relapse after achieving a second CR (CR2) in first or later salvage.
Greater than or equal to 5% blasts in the BM.
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (ECOG PS) ≤ 2.
Subjects with relapsed or refractory B Cell ALL Ph+ disease and that are intolerant or refractory to prior tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) are eligible.
Status Open 
Reference Clinicaltrials.gov
Participants UMCG (Dr. M. Bellido)
Short name NK4AML
Title Administration of ex vivo generated allogeneic natural killer cells in combination with subcutaneous IL-2 in patients with AML
Phase Phase I/IIa
Therapy Cy/Flu + NK cells with and without subcutaneous IL-2 (phase 1 ramp up dose IL-2)
Objectives Safety and clinical efficacy
Population AML or MDS EB-2 with stable or non-rapidly progressive disease without or with disease inhibitory medication

Newly diagnosed or Relapsed/Refractory AML:
Eligibility criteria in protocol

Status Open
Reference Clinicaltrials.gov: NCT04347616
Participants Radboudumc (Dr. N.P.M. Schaap, Dr. M. Roeven): www.radboudumc.nl/nk4aml
Study docs Synopsis
Short name FLAMSA-TCD-RIC met sequentieel DLI on d90 en d180 (investigator initiated, non-industrial)
Phase Phase 2
Therapy FLAMSA-TCD-RIC-allo-Tx with DLI singel arm
Objectives Safety (to reach DLI and NRM)
Population age 60-75 years primary refractory and relaps AML and high risk MDS
Eligibility pre-allo-Tx
Status open
Participants LUCM (Veelken)
Short name DCOne-002
Study title An international, multicentre open-label study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of two different vaccination regimens of immunotherapy with allogeneic dendritic cells, dcp-001, in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia that are in remission with persistent mrd
Status Open
Participants AmsterdamUMC - VUmc, Prof. Dr. A.A. van de Loosdrecht
UMC Groningen, Prof. Dr. G. Huls
Study docs Protocol
Eligibility criteria
Short name AvenCell UniCAR (UC02-123-01)
Phase Phase 1 (escalation/expansion)
Therapy UniCAR02-T-CD123 in combination with a recombinant antibody derivative (TM123)
Objectives MTD, Safety, RP2D
Population R/R AML
Eligibility pre- and post allo-Tx
Status open
Participants ErasmusMC (Jongen-Lavrencic), UMCG (Huls), AmsterdamUMC (de Leeuw)
Reference https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT04230265
Short name Biomea Fusion BMF-219
Phase Phase 1 (escalation/expansion)
Therapy BMF-219, Menin inhibitor
Objectives MTD, Safety, RP2D
Population R/R AML R/R B-ALL, DLBCL, MM
Eligibility pre- and post allo-Tx
Status pending
Participants ErasmusMC (Jongen-Lavrencic), UMCG (Huls), AmsterdamUMC (de Leeuw)
Reference https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT05153330


Short name BYON4413
Title A first-in-human dose escalation and expansion trial with the antibody-drug conjugate BYON4413 to evaluate safety, pharmacokinetics, and preliminary efficacy in patients with relapsed/refractory acute myeloid leukemia or myelodysplastic neoplasms.
Phase Phase I
Therapy Anti-CD123 tageting antibody-drug conjugate
Objectives Phase 1: dose finding, Phase 2: safety en preliminary efficacy
Population Relapsed/refractory acute myeloid leukemia or myelodysplastic neoplasms (no establlished alternatives)
Eligibility Standard
Status Open for inclusion (slots available by predefined order, possibilty to be placed on waiting list)
Participants UMCG


Short name Biomea Covalent-101
Title A Phase 1 first-in-human dose-escalation and dose-expansion study of BMF[1]219, an oral, covalent, menin inhibitor, in adult patients with acute leukemia (AL), diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), multiple myeloma (MM), and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)/small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL)
Phase Phase 1
Therapy Oral, covalent, menin inhibitor
Objectives Dose finding, safety, premilinary efficacy
Population R/R acute leukemia (MLL1r [KMT2A], nucleophosmin 1 [NPM1], or other genetic mutations as specified), DLBCL, MM, or CLL/SLL, at least one SOC therapy incl. HCT
Eligibilty Standard
Status Open for inclusion (Enrollment slot availability as of 30Sep2024
1 Open Slot in Cohort 1 (Acute Leukemia) Sub-Cohort 2 (NPM1 only))
Participants UMCG
Short name AVC-201-01
Title Multicenter, Open-label, Phase 1 Study of Allo-RevCAR01-T-CD123 Consisting of Genetically Modified T cells Carrying Reverse Chimeric Antigen Receptors (Allo-RevCAR01-T) in Combination With CD123 Target Module (R-TM123) for the Treatment of Patients With Selected Hematologic Malignancies Positive for CD123
Phase Phase 1
Therapy CAR T-cel (CD123 target module)
Objectives Safety, dose finding, response
Population R/R AML with CD123+ (after or ineligible for alloHCT)
Eligibilty standard
Status awaited Q4 2024
Participants UMCG
Short name Udance
Study title A phase I/II post-cord blood HCT dendritic cell vaccination trial directed against WT1 for pediatric and young adult acute myeloid leukemia: the U-DANCE-anti-AML trial
Phase l-ll
Therapy Denditic cell vaccination 3x, md eform cord blood donor
Objectives 1) determining safe dose.
(2)And increasing DFS with 20%
Population 12-20 j oud met AML die een indicatie voor allo-hct hebben ( met UCB)
Eligibility WT1 positivity of the AML
Status open
Participants Prinses Maxima Centrum (c.a.lindemans@prinsesmaximacentrum.nl),
UMC Utrecht (l.e.vanderwagen@umcutrecht.nl)
Reference Https://www.onderzoekmetmensen.nl/nl/trial/55718