CML-MPN working group



Dr. P.A.W. te Boekhorst (ErasmusMC, Rotterdam)


Dr. J.J.W.M. Janssen (RadboudUMC, Nijmegen)


Dr. P. Westerweel (ASZ, Dordrecht)

Member peripheral sites

Dr. M. Ammatuna (UMCG, Groningen)

Key objectives of working group

The key objectives of this working group are:

  • Initiate and develop clinical scientific research
  • Peer platform for exchanging knowledge in the field of CML/MPN diagnostics and therapy (including systemic mastocytosis)
  •  Monitoring uniformity with regard to diagnostics and treatment of this patient category in the Netherlands (development guidelines)
  • Education


The aim of the CML-MPN working group is to initiate / develop clinical scientific research, a peer platform for exchanging knowledge in the field of CML / MPN (including systemic mastocytosis) diagnostics / therapy, to monitor uniformity with regard to diagnostics and treatment of this patient category. In the Netherlands (guideline development), education and assessment and design of new HOVON study for MPN and CML patients.


The working group has a large number of members. The meetings are well attended by both members of CML and MPN groups (or both). In addition to clinicians, the working group consists of pathologists, molecular biologists and researchers. The patient association is also represented in the working group: 1 participant from Hematon and 2 participants from the MPN foundation. An average of 20-25 participants are present at the meetings.

Future developments (studies)

  1. The aim is to develop a successor to the H-134: this process will be started after the interim analysis has taken place (January / February 2020). The development of a new study will take place in close collaboration with the Hovon Stem Cell Transplantation Working Group.
  2. It is currently being explored whether it is possible to set up an MPN-related study that is of interest to the participants of the peripheral centers. In view of the funding, discussions are held with various pharmaceutical industries (Novartis, BMS / Celgene)
  3. IKNL collaboration project with regard to diagnosis and treatment of MPN in NL. This project can be done by financial support for sponsors. Discussions are ongoing with sponsors (Novartis / Celgene) and IKNL about this.

Guideline development


  • CML richtlijn           Opgeleverd 2018
  • MPN-richtlijnen     Opgeleverd 2019
    • ET-richtlijn
    • PV-richtlijn
    • PMF richtlijn
    • Systemische Mastocytose     Samenwerking met werkgroep Richtlijn Mastocytose (multidisciplinair met klinische-immunologie/reumatologie)

Other projects

Value-driven care project (VBHC)
There are possibilities to start a value-driven care project in the field of MPN. Various parties are involved in this. This project will be co-supervised by the NVvH Committee on Healthcare Renewal and Innovation. The project plan is currently being finalized and, if feasible, started up in a number of pilot hospitals before it can be rolled out to interested centers. Sponsorship will go through Pharma.


The working group intends to develop an interactive education program (e-learning). The target group is: haematologists, haematologists in training, pathologists and pathologists in training. Given the ongoing business, this is currently not a priority. Update topic after VBHC project has started.

Congress / symposia


  • DHC-Virtual; 20-21 januari, 2021


  • 2nd How to Diagnose and treat CML/MPN; 5 – 7 maart, 2021
  • 9th Translational Research Conference: Myeloproliferative Neoplasms; 13 – 15 mei 2022


  • EHA congress; 10-13 juni, 2021
  • EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on MDS/MPN/AML: commonalities and Differences of myeloid neoplasms; postponed



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The working group meets in the spring and autumn (twice a year).

Next meeting:
- Thursday 26 September 2024 - 18.00 - 20:00 Bar Beton CS Utrecht



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