Imaging Committee
Prof. Dr. J. Zijlstra (AmsterdamUMC - VUmc, Amsterdam)
Drs. J. Adam (AmsterdamUMC - AMC, Amsterdam)
Drs. A. Arens (RadboudUMC, Nijmegen)
Dr. D. van Assema (ErasmusMC, Rotterdam)
Prof. Dr. R. Boellaard (AmsterdamUMC - VUmc, Amsterdam)
Dr. V. Bongers (Diakonessenhuis, Utrecht)
Drs. F. Celik (Deventer ziekenhuis, Deventer)
Dr. M. Chamuleau (AmsterdamUMC - VUmc, Amsterdam)
Dr. E. Comans (AmsterdamUMC - VUmc, Amsterdam)
Dr. C. Hoekstra (JBZ, Den Bosch)
Prof. Dr. O. Hoekstra (AmsterdamUMC - VUmc, Amsterdam)
Drs. W. Huijgen (Haga Ziekenhuis, Den Haag)
Drs. J. Huijbregts (Gelre Ziekenhuizen, Apeldoorn en Zutphen)
Dr. M. Jak (UMCU, Utrecht)
Dr. B. de Keizer (UMCU, Utrecht)
Dr. J. de Klerk (MeanderMC, Amersfoort)
Dr. C. Mitea (MUMC, Maastricht)
Dr. J. Regelink (MeanderMC, Amersfoort)
Dr. N. Tolboom (UMCU, Utrecht)
Dr. J. Quarles van Ufford (Haaglanden MC, Den Haag)
Dr. R. Valkema (ErasmusMC, Rotterdam)
Dr. B. Zwezerijnen (AmsterdamUMC - VUmc, Amsterdam)
Dr. S. Buckens (RadboudUMC, Nijmegen)
Dr. M. Nijland (UMCG, Groningen)
Dr. W. Roeloffzen (UMCG, Groningen)
Dr. M. Spreen (AmsterdamUMC - VUmc, Amsterdam)
Key objectives of working group
The key objectives of this working group are:
- The aim of the working group is to advise the many HOVON studies in which imaging is carried out (with regard to acquisition, image storage, and assessment criteria) for an adequate scientific output.
- In addition, logistics are coordinated for many studies and the central assessment of PET, CT and sometimes MRI scans is performed.
- The working group also provides advice on the clinical imaging of haematological syndromes in the form of publications on, for example, standardization of scanning protocols and reporting.
- The nuclear physicians within this working group are also members of the hematology theme group of the Dutch Nuclear Medicine Association (NVNG), and are involved in the development and approval of hematological guidelines through the NVNG's Quality Assurance Committee.
The HOVON imaging working group wants to publish a newsletter about 4 times a year with information about new guidelines, scanning protocols, EARL, current studies and interesting articles, refresher courses and conferences. The purpose of the newsletter is to update the people involved in the imaging regarding hematology.
For submitters for imaging data
CT / MRI / PET (-CT) scans are performed in the local hospital according to study protocol.
CRF is completed by the local radiologist / nuclear medicine doctor.
Datasets and associated CRFs are sent via SFTP server or, if not available, by regular mail to the central data center in Amsterdam UMC, location VU Medical Center.
By SFTP server:
An account can be requested via the following email address:
If you have any questions about sending material, please contact mrs. A.L. Bes ( or mrs. S.E. Wiegers (
By regular mail:
Department of Nuclear Medicine & PET Research
Amsterdam UMC, location VU Medical Center
De Boelelaan 1117
1081 HV Amsterdam
Imaging manual
The HOVON Imaging Working group has created a manual to provide guidance for [18F]FDG PET/CT staging, response monitoring and central review in the HOVON trials.
The Imaging Manual for FDG-PET_CT for HOVON trials can be found here:
Imaging manual for FDG-PET_CT for HOVON trials
Please read through carefully.
We would like to ask your special attention for page 8: here we describe the DICOM tags that should NOT be altered during the anonymization process. If the information in these DICOM tags is removed, the scan can become unanalyzable.
For questions please reach out to or
News letter
Training / conferences 2021
EANM focus meeting 4, molecular imaging and therapy in haematological tumours. Sevilla, Spanje. 4-6 februari 2021
16 th International Conference on Malignant Lymphoma. Lugano, Zwitserland. 15-19 juni 2021
8th international workshop on PET in lymphoma and myeloma. Menton, Frankrijk. 11-13 september 2021
International symposium on Hodgkin lymphoma. Keulen, Duitsland. 22-24 oktober 2022
Meeting Minutes