Leukemie geassocieerde studies


Open studies

Naam MB-dNPM1-TCR.1 in R/R AML

A phase I/II trial of MB-dNPM1-TCR.1 in HLA-A*02:01-positive patients with relapsed or refractory NPM1-mutated AML to determine safety and obtain first data on efficacy

Fase Phase I/II

dNPM1-TCR T cells (patient-derived T cells transduced with a T cell receptor recognizing peptides from mutated NPM1 in HLA-A02

Doelstellingen MTD, Best Objective Responses (Phase II)
Populatie R/R Npm1 mutated AML, HLA-A02
Eligibility Pre end post alloTx
Status Open August 2024
Deelnemers LUMC (Dr. C.J.M.Halkes)
Referentie https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT06424340
Naam TEG001 in patiënten met r/r AML/hoog-risico MDS of r/r MM
Titel Een fase I studie naar het veiligheidsprofiel van TEG001 cel suspensie voor infusie in patiënten met recidiverende/refractaire Acute Myeloïde Leukemie/hoog risico Myelodysplastisch Syndroom (IPSS-R score >4,5) of recidiverend/refractair Multipel Myeloom.
Fase Fase I
Therapie TEG001 cel suspensie (T cells engineered to express a defined gamma/delta T cell receptor)
Doelstellingen Maximaal getolereerde dosis, veiligheid, verdraagbaarheid, haalbaarheid, (duur) werkzaamheid, kinetiek
Populatie Volwassenen met recidief/refractaire Acute Myeloïde Leukemie (AML)/hoog risico Myelodysplastisch Syndroom (MDS) (IPSS-R score >4,5) of recidief/refractair Multipel Myeloom (MM).

Geen reguliere therapeutische behandelopties meer beschikbaar
- Aanvullende in- en exclusiecriteria in protocol.

Status Open voor dosislevel 3.
Deelnemers UMC Utrecht (Dr. L.E. van der Wagen)
Documenten Protocol synopsis
In- en exclusiecriteria
Naam Molecular Partners MP0533
Fase Phase 1 (escalation/expansion)
Therapie MP0533 A multispecific CD3 x CD33 x CD123 x CD70 DARPin
Doelstellingen MTD, Safety, RP2D
Populatie R/R AML and MDS-EB2
Eligibility pre- and post allo-Tx
Status pending
Deelnemers ErasmusMC (Jongen-Lavrencic), UMCG (Huls) UMC Amsterdam (de Leeuw)
Referentie https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT05673057
Name Sanofi TCD17197
Fase Phase 1/2
Therapie SAR443579 is a bispecific NK cell and CD123-engager
Doelstellingen MTD, Safety, RP2D
Populatie R/R AML, MDS IPSS-R interm/high, B-ALL (CD123 pos)
Eligibility pre- and post allo-Tx
Status open (slots)
Deelnemers ErasmusMC (Jongen-Lavrencic), UMCG (Huls) UMC Amsterdam (de Leeuw), Radboudumc (Langemeijer)
Referentie https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT05086315
Naam Ellipses
Fase fase I/IIA
Therapie dual FLT-3 and Aurora Kinase oraal inhibitor
Doelstellingen MTD, Safety
Populatie R/R AML
Eligibility pre- and post allo-Tx
Status open
Deelnemers ErasmusMC (Jongen-Lavrencic) UMC Amsterdam (de Leeuw) UMCG (Huls)
Referentie https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT04581512
Naam SGNS70-101 AML
Fase fase I of SEA-CD70 in Myeloid Malignancies
Therapie SEA-CD70 + azacitidine combination cohort in previously untreated higher-risk MDS (Parts D and E)
Doelstellingen Safety
Populatie R/R MDS R/R AML

Subjects with previously untreated cytologically/histologically confirmed MDS according to the 2016 WHO classification with the following
o   Measurable disease per WHO MDS with excess blasts (MDS-EB) criteria as defined either:
     §  5%–9% blasts in the bone marrow or 2%–4% blasts in the peripheral blood (MDS-EB-1), or
     §  10%–19% blasts in the bone marrow or 5%–19% blasts in the peripheral blood (MDS-EB-2)
o   Subjects with higher-risk (Intermediate-2 or High risk) MDS per the International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS).
o   Age ≥18 years.
o   ECOG Performance status of 0–2.

Status open
Deelnemers UMCU (v. Rhenen)
Naam R/R B-ALL blina en PD1 remmer
Titel A Phase 1b Open-label Study Investigating the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Efficacy of Administration of Blinatumomab in Combination With AMG 404 for the Treatment of Adults With Relapsed or Refractory B Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
Fase Fase 1b
Therapie Administration of Blinatumomab in Combination With AMG 404
Doelstellingen Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Efficacy
Populatie Adults With Relapsed or Refractory B Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
Inclusie criteria Age ≥ 18 years at enrollment.
Subjects with B-precursor ALL, with any of the following:
● Refractory to primary induction or refractory to salvage therapy.
● In untreated first, second or greater relapse or refractory relapse or relapse after salvage therapy
● Relapse at any time after allogeneic HSCT
– Relapse is defined as achievement of CR (CR1) during upfront therapy then relapse during or after continuation therapy.
– Refractory disease is defined as the absence of CR after standard induction therapy.
– Refractory relapse lack of CR after first salvage therapy
– Second relapse or later relapse defined as relapse after achieving a second CR (CR2) in first or later salvage.
Greater than or equal to 5% blasts in the BM.
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (ECOG PS) ≤ 2.
Subjects with relapsed or refractory B Cell ALL Ph+ disease and that are intolerant or refractory to prior tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) are eligible.
Status Open
Referentie Clinicaltrials.gov
Deelnemers UMCG (Dr. M. Bellido)
Titel Toediening van ex vivo-gegenereerde allogene natural killer cellen in combinatie met subcutane IL-2 in patiënten met AML
Fase Fase I/IIa
Therapie  Cy/Flu + NK cellen met en zonder subcutaan IL-2 (fase 1 oplopende dosis IL-2)
Doelstellingen Veiligheid en Klinische effectiviteit
Populatie AML of MDS EB-2 met stabiele of niet-snel progressieve ziekte zonder of met ziekte remmende medicatie

Newly diagnosed or Relapsed/Refractory AML:
Eligibility criteria in protocol

Status Open
Referentie Clinicaltrials.gov: NCT04347616
Deelnemers Radboudumc (Dr. N.P.M. Schaap, Dr. M. Roeven): www.radboudumc.nl/nk4aml
Documenten Synopsis
Naam FLAMSA-TCD-RIC met sequentieel DLI on d90 en d180 (investigator initiated, non-industrial)
Fase Fase 2
Therapie FLAMSA-TCD-RIC-allo-Tx with DLI singel arm
Doelstelling Safety (to reach DLI and NRM)
Populatie age 60-75 years primary refractory and relaps AML and high risk MDS
Eligibility pre-allo-Tx
Status open
Deelnemers LUMC (Veelken)
Naam DCOne-002
Titel An international, multicentre open-label study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of two different vaccination regimens of immunotherapy with allogeneic dendritic cells, dcp-001, in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia that are in remission with persistent mrd
Status Open
Deelnemers AmsterdamUMC - VUmc, Prof. Dr. A.A. van de Loosdrecht
UMC Groningen, Prof. Dr. G. Huls
Documenten Protocol
In- en exclusiecriteria
Naam AvenCell UniCAR (UC02-123-01)
Fase Phase 1 (escalation/expansion)
Therapie UniCAR02-T-CD123 in combination with a recombinant antibody derivative (TM123)
Doelstellingen MTD, Safety, RP2D
Populatie R/R AML
Eligibility pre- and post allo-Tx
Status open
Deelnemers ErasmusMC (Jongen-Lavrencic), UMCG (Huls) UMC Amsterdam (de Leeuw)
Referentie https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT04230265
Naam Biomea Fusion BMF-219
Fase Phase 1 (escalation/expansion)
Therapie BMF-219, Menin inhibitor
Doelstellingen MTD, Safety, RP2D
Populatie R/R AML R/R B-ALL, DLBCL, MM
Eligibility pre- and post allo-Tx
Status pending
Deelnemers ErasmusMC (Jongen-Lavrencic), UMCG (Huls) UMC Amsterdam (de Leeuw)
Referentie https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT05153330

